Benchmarking board performance: 500 board reviews later

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Take a snapshot of your customer experience

Quickly measure customer experience or get timely feedback about new programs or campaigns with a pulse survey.

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Customer Pulse Survey

Customer pulse surveys are designed to take snapshots of customer opinions. Unlike full surveys, customer pulse surveys are more cost effective and time efficient.

Whether you want to measure customer satisfaction or gain feedback about new systems and processes, the Customer Pulse Survey can be customised to meet your needs. It’s a quick survey that can be conducted frequently using the same questions. This means customers can provide valuable feedback on a regular basis.

The Customer Pulse Survey is the perfect tool to quickly identify areas most in need of improvement without committing to a full survey. Our industry specialists and research experts will help you structure your customer survey, gain the maximum response rate, and understand your results.

With the help of benchmarking, customer pulse surveys provide advance warning of problems so your organisation can act quickly.

You can survey all customers or select a sample of customers depending on required outcomes. You can focus on points of the business across or within specific areas to identify where improvement is needed most.

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